The big question is: will offshore die as the method of international business transactions?
My answer is definitely no. This method will exist forever, will not disappear, only being transformed. Everything will work in a more restricted and regulated framework in the future.
But, then, what is the sense of all of this, if everything is more expensive, complicated, and regulated in the future? If I want to give a simple answer, I can say, that a serious businessman, upper a certain level, can not “keep all eggs in one basket”, because if this basket falls down, all eggs can be broken. That is why an “off-shore” solution is needed, which can help, if, in the country of residence of the business owner, something happens with the asset of this person, like an economic crisis, political conflicts, wars, conflict with the competitors, etc.
This offshore solution can be a remedy in such cases immediately. Then will Switzerland remain forever, as “safe-haven” for the managed asset in abroad? And yes, and no…But about it next time.
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